Our hobbies
Our hobbies with the dogs include a lot. During the racing season from september to march/april we train our dogs for mid - distance sled dog races. Sometimes we also compete in sprint races, but the sprints is never our main goal. We don't work with speed for short sprint races but the longer distances. We often compete in 4-dogs class.
Our dogs also get their long daily walks, which especially the older-section absolutely loves.
Our hobbies also include quite much dog shows. We have participated in shows all around Europe and the dogs have gained some very nice results. Our longest show trips have included Slovenia, Austria and Hungary.
For us a good physical condition of a malamute is one of the prime things!
Sled dog sport
We are very active in sled-dog sports. All of our adult dogs have FCI approved working results from sprints and mid-distance sled dog races. We have been racing abroad too & gained the norwegian working result for some of our dogs.
Dog shows
We attend a lot of dog shows too and our dogs have done "quite well". We have European winner, two r. World Winners, speciality winners, first Nordic Show Champion of all breeds in Finland, International champions, champions of many countries, best in show-placements and so on...
I think that dog shows is mostly a hobby nowdays, but an excellent breed-type example does well under every judge. Shows is also a good place to test the dogs mentality in small halls with a lot of different type of dogs and crowd.
Other hobbies
Our dogs live as a part of our daily life. We want to keep the amount of our dogs quite small, becouse we want to give daily each of our dogs their own special time. When a dog moves to us they will stay with us for the rest of their life even tough if they would not be breeding/show material. For us they are most of all important family members. They have their own kennels outdoors and we have a big fenced yard. Always at least 1-2 of them sleep indoors with us.
We like to make long hikes at the woods and they always join us on whatever we do. It's not a hobby with the malamutes, it's a lifestyle.