Ilamna Alaskan malamutes is a small alaskan malamute kennel in Mäntsälä, southern Finland. Our story with alaskan malamutes goes all the way back to 2003. Our goal is to breed healthy breed typed alaskan malamutes, who can prove themselves in both, working trials and shows. All of our adult dogs have FCI working result from both, mid distance and sprint races. Our breeding dogs have also shown their ability at shows being champions of many countries and also international beauty champions, C.I.B's.
Our philosophy
Us here at ilamnamalamutes believe that a malamute should always stay as a malamute. We want malamutes who are beautifully constructed, have strong movements, have proven themselves in boths shows & on tracks, and have wonderful energetic and friendly temperaments. We believe that a malamute always needs to stand on their four legs being open and curious at the same time. We think that an excellent reprensative of the breed has results from longer races and shows. We test our dogs in long 70km's-100km's races and at the big international dog shows in Finland and around Europe. We want the alaskan malamute to stay the way it has been created, a breed who pulls heavy loads in harsh conditions.
Each of our litters is very carefully planned and behind our puppies lays many sleepless nights studying the history and pedigrees, many kilometers across Europe searching breeding material for our work to create our breeding program. We believe that gaining more and more knowledge, creating connections across the malamute-world and sometimes taking controlled risks is the key to success. Breeding standard malamutes needs to be a state of mind rather than "just a thing breeders do".
A breeder needs to always stay humble. The success comes when we realize how little we know even tough we would have been with the breed for decades. We always need to test our dogs and we always need to be critical.
Most of alla we always need to stand behind our choices, whatever comes in our way and we need to not only be proud of our dogs, but also admit the faults in them and ask ourselves a question "how can we do better?". We always need to crave for more knowledge, we need to be open for a discuss and we need to listen those people who have given their life with this breed.
We want to have the whole package, a malamute who will pass a longer distance race and gain significant wins at shows.
At this moment we have five alaskan malamutes at home, and one co-owned female, who live with our friends.
Musikaalin Ruusunen "Inna" REK1, REK2, REK3, KVK1
EUW-21 BISS C.I.B CH W,JCH Lollipop Vasilyev Ostrov "Loli" REK1, REK2 imp. UA
BISS BJISS CH JCH JW W Ilamna Spirit In The Sky "Malik" REK2
JWW-24 BJISS C.I.B-j JCH JW W Ilamna Goshen Kisses With Umppalumpan "Gabby"
BJIS JCH JW Ilamna X Tugar American Design "Caspian"
Pearl Of Ilamna Vasilyev Ostrov "Friidu" imp. UA
Ohkola, Finland